Even in today’s society, there is an ever present normalization of sexual assault and abuse. Many victims and survivors feel as if their voices go unheard. We want to bring our community together to not only show them their voices are being heard, but to add our own voices to the mix and to express that this attitude of normalization and victim blaming cannot continue. Featuring performances from:
Cosmic Punk (https://cosmicpunk.bandcamp.com/),
Green Aisles (https://lapyear.bandcamp.com/)
Earther (https://www.facebook.com/eartherband/)
Green Aisles (https://lapyear.bandcamp.com/)
Earther (https://www.facebook.com/eartherband/)
Harm (https://harmnoise.bandcamp.com/);
bands will be in that order, Harm headlining
bands will be in that order, Harm headlining
All door proceeds will go to RAINN, the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.