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Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

Lazarus Pit at Neptunes

with Smoocheyface

Time: 10:00AM

Admission: $7 | 21+

Doors: 9:00AM

Smoochyface is an indie band based in Atlanta, GA. Incorporating narrative elements from video games, cartoons, & comic books, Smoochyface combines the churn of fuzzy guitars with live improvisation for a unique experience in geek rock.
Lazaris Pit – (noun)Laz·a·rus pit/ \ ˈlaz-rəs pit/, ˈla-zə-pit/ \1. Cosmic large dogs2. Psychedelic rock trio from Raleigh, North Carolina. 3. Known for their long-extended improvised jams that blend punk rock, shoegaze, noise, and the dimensions of time-space4. The Truth.
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