Advance Base is a new solo project by Owen Ashworth, formerly of Casiotone for the Painfully Alone. Walking the line between electronic pop & more traditional singer/songwriter forms, Owen Ashworth builds minimalist, heavy-hearted, & nostalgia-obsessed tunes around his conversational, baritone vocals, using electric pianos, Omnichords, orchestral samples, & antique drum machines. The sound of Advance Base has been described as “depressed,” “lo-fi,” & “pop.” The second Advance Base album, Nephew in the Wild, will be released August 21, 2015 on Orindal Records (US/AQ) & Tomlab Records (EU/UK).
Advance Base is named after the Antarctic meteorological station & psychedelic death trap that nearly killed Admiral Richard E. Byrd during the winter of 1934.
with Nathan K: